Most of us have some sort of online presence associated with our modeling or photography and a lot of us also participate in online discussions in groups or on forums. …

Most of us have some sort of online presence associated with our modeling or photography and a lot of us also participate in online discussions in groups or on forums. …
All models want to be successful, but as a new freelance model you may find it difficult to set realistic modeling goals. I hope this article will help you with …
When I am asked what the most important part of setting up a shoot is, I always say “communication.” As far as I’m concerned, nothing can be more frustrating during …
Selfies can be a lot of fun, but they are generally not a good idea for your modeling portfolio and I’m going to share with you 5 reasons why. Point …
Before I jump into my love for group shoots let me first clarify a bit. The group shoots I am referring to are the type where a venue is rented …
Becoming a nude model has been one of the most rewarding, satisfying things I have ever done. I love the art I am able to create because I am a …
As a model in this “era” of internet communication and anonymity, and sometimes in not-so-anonymous cases, you are almost certain to get creepy messages. These messages might be from fans …
Scams in the modeling world are numerous, but it’s important to note that scams aren’t just a modeling “thing” and that some are easier to fall for than others. This …
This guide will help you through the process of reviewing a photographer’s portfolio and deciding whether you wish to shoot with them based on what you see. Of course there …
There always seem to be posts in model photography forums, groups on FB, and even in FB statuses in regards to trade shoots or TF work. And quite honestly, some …