Let’s talk about some networking tips for new freelance models.
Networking is extremely important as a model. I’m going to focus on tips for models who are trying to book more shoots (or better shoots). Let’s jump right in:
- Get to know a few of the experienced models in your area. These models can provide very valuable insight on the area. They often know of photographers to avoid, can provide references, and can also recommend photographers who might be helpful to shoot with.
- Join local Facebook groups. I’ll be adding a list of these to the resources soon! Once you join, scan those groups once every few days for casting call type posts by photographers looking for models. You can also post a few of your photos and ask if anyone would like to shoot.
- Attend area group shoots. These are great for networking and building your portfolio. Here is my post on the benefits of group shoots. The Society of Models and Photographers in Detroit is one I co-admin and I plan to add a list of others soon. You can also join this Facebook group to see a lot of the local group shoots.
- Don’t be afraid to contact photographers you’d like to shoot with. Make sure you are clear as to whether you’d like to shoot trade or hire them. For more advice on finding photographers to shoot trade with, check out this post.
I hope these tips will get you on your way to finding more shoots and starting your networking as a model.
Go back to the main Michigan Model Resources Page or check out more of my New Model Guide.
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