Hi there, I’m
I’m an experienced model with over 10 years of experience. I worked with hundreds of photographers and I’ve shot many different styles including fashion, conceptual, boudoir, bridal, and artistic nude. I actively participate in both local, national, and international discussions that involve the model and photographer community.
I remember when I started back in 2009, there weren’t a lot of resources like this for models and most of what I could find was skewed towards agency and catalog modeling. Most models looking for advice are freelance and we face a unique set of issues. I’ve written most of the posts with freelance models in mind, but much of it is relevant for any model.
I also try to include posts for photographers who work with models as I think educating photographers is just as important as teaching models. We’re all part of the same community and I hope to help anyone in the community who can benefit from my knowledge.
I want this to be a tool that models and photographers can use to learn and share with each other. I’m constantly brainstorming new topics to write about, so if you have suggestions I invite you to contact me.